Tag: data protection

  • The Use of CCTV in Disciplinary Hearings in the Workplace-Interesting High Court Decision (February 2020)

    The conflict of rights in the workplace between employer and employee concerning the use of cctv in the workplace, and its use in disciplinary processes, was dealt with by the High Court in February 2020. The case was Doolin v The Data Protection Commissioner [2020] IEHC 90 and it was an appeal from the Circuit…

  • The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Ireland-the Essentials

    Have you heard about the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)? Do you know the changes it will bring to data protection law in Ireland? Do you know when it is to come into effect here? These questions, and similar foundational ones, are what I am about to look at. Ready? Let’s go. The “big bang”…

  • Using CCTV and Data Protection-the Facts You Should Know

    Is CCTV being operated in your workplace? Are you an employer who is considering introducing CCTV? The Data Protection Commissioner has issued updated guidelines in December, 2015 in respect of the use of CCTV. Because recognisable images captured by CCTV systems are considered to be “personal data”, as defined by the Data Protection Acts in…

  • The 8 Rules of Data Protection in Ireland

    It’s an easy mistake to make, you know. You might be a data controller. Let me explain. Everyone has strong rights when it comes to the data that is held on them thanks to the Data Protection Acts. And it is up to the data protection commissioner to ultimately uphold those rights if they are breached by the…

  • Data Protection in Employment Law in Ireland-the Essentials

    The Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003  impose stringent requirements on the data kept by employers about employees and in particular in respect of sensitive personal data. Employers are considered to be data controllers and processors within the legislation. The Data Protection Commissioner can impose fines of up to €100,000 and employees can succeed in…