Have your employment rights been breached or ignored?
Do you have a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach every day you go to work?
Have you been unfairly dismissed?
Or do you feel that you have no option but to resign your job because of problems at work?
Have you been bullied? Discriminated against? Harassed?
Do you feel you are being squeezed out of your job?
Maybe you are just confused about your rights and where you stand?
I have helped many people in the same situation as you, with issues like
- unfair dismissal
- constructive dismissal
- being unfairly selected for redundancy
- not getting your entitlements eg proper breaks, holiday entitlements, correct pay
- not getting a written contract of employment
- being bullied and/or harassed in the workplace
- having your contract changed without your consent
- unfair disciplinary proceedings and warnings on your record
- not being treated fairly when you are sick or suffer an injury at work.
Confused about a workplace issue and require clarity and peace of mind?
You know how when you are confused about a workplace issue?
Maybe you just have a question and you’re confused whether your rights are being breached or not?
A consultation with me might be all you need, just to see where you stand, and to be clear about your options.
It will help you understand whether you have a legitimate complaint or not, and make a good, well informed decision. It helps clear away the fog of confusion and gives you clarity.
I receive emails from employees every day, with questions about an issue at work.
Issues like
- not getting your rest break entitlements
- not getting your holiday pay
- being treated unfairly or being bullied or harassed
- not being treated fairly in a disciplinary procedure
- being discriminated against
- being put under unlawful pressure to resign your position
- having your data protection rights infringed
- not being paid all your wages
- not being paid minimum wage
- issues around your contract of employment
- Tupe
- Constructive dismissal
- Data protection
- Unfair dismissal
- Health and safety
- Discipline procedures
- Pay for bank (public) holidays
- Stress in the workplace
- Part time employees’ rights
- Pay for working Sunday
- Changing terms and conditions of employment
- Bullying
- Gross misconduct
- Defamatory statements
- What constitutes workplace bullying
- Garda vetting
- Employees’ position in receiverships/liquidations
- Enforcing a WRC decision against an employer who won’t pay
- Illness related absences
- Holiday entitlements when you are out sick
- Annual leave
- How to calculate holiday pay
- Maternity leave
- Handling grievances correctly
- Employer pension obligations
- Performance improvement plans
- Protected disclosures
- References
- Harassment at work
- Discrimination in pay for same job
- Bereavement entitlements
The problem is you don’t know where you stand, or what your rights are. This uncertainty and not knowing can cause a lot of stress and grief.
Knowing whether you have any options, and what they are if you do, is critical. If you don’t have a claim or justiciable cause of action I will tell you and not lead you up the garden path.
Just have a question or query? Looking for information?
If you only want an answer to a question or query, or you are just looking for information and don’t need a consultation please feel free to search through this website for the answer because the answer is probably there somewhere.
Or you can contact a Citizen’s Information office who may be able to give you some helpful information.
I get a large number of queries every week-by phone, email-but I do not have the time or resources to answer these questions from callers or emailers for free.
Instead, I charge a small consultation fee which you can pay by Paypal, credit card, bank transfer, or cash.
How does this consultation service work?
Firstly, ring the office or send an email to book your consultation. We can then arrange a suitable time.
The send me an email outlining your issue/problem. This outline only needs to be a few lines: a brief summary of the problem but it will give me an idea of what your problem is. This will allow us both get the maximum from the consultation.
Then you decide whether you want to come to the office to speak face to face or do it by phone or email.
I am happy to do it whichever way you choose. Once you book the consultation I will get all the relevant and necessary details from you.
This will include your story about the issue that is bothering you.
I will review all necessary documents, depending on the circumstances. For example, your contract of employment, the staff handbook, any relevant letters or emails, and any other documents or information that I need.
But the bottom line is you will be getting my professional opinion about your problem and what solutions might be open to you.
If it is a situation where you have misunderstood your rights and there is no action you can take I will tell you this, too.
It’s better that you know the truth rather than being told that you should bring a claim or legal action where you have no prospect of a successful outcome.
Limited number of consultations
Please note that I only do a limited number of these each week as there is a limited amount of time each day and I must look after the business of my existing clients.
How much is the consultation?
Terry Gorry & Co. Solicitors helps employees get their entitlements
I have represented many employees in employment disputes.
I have provided professional representation in all the places where employees choose to stand up for their rights.
At Rights Commissioner hearings, in the Employment Appeals Tribunal, in the Labour Court, at the Equality Tribunal and in the Courts.
And now in the Workplace Relations Commission.
Sometimes a simple letter from us will sort out the problem.
And that will be the end of it. Everybody will be happy.
But other times, this isn’t enough.
And we have to take stronger action on your behalf.
I also tell you when you are wasting your time with a particular dispute/issue, and when you are flogging a dead horse.
And I have written some bestselling books about employment law in Ireland.
What others say about Terry Gorry, Solicitor
As a HR Consultant diversifying into the world of Employee Relations, Terry provides me invaluable guidance and advice. At all times, he provides me with a prompt and professional service. I continue to be impressed by his expertise and I would recommend him and his Employment Law services without hesitation.
S. Thornton
Terry was very helpful and knew what he was talking about. He ensured to get a full account of my story, so that he could help me to the best of his abilities. He showed real interest in my case right from the beginning. He was always there to answer any questions I had, even after working hours.
Alan F.
Hi Terry,
I’d be happy to supply a testimonial as your attention to detail was excellent. The calming way in which you conduct business was second to none.
I fully recommend you and your wonderful business to all of my colleagues and friends.
Thank you kindly for all the time you took to fully understand my case, it couldn’t have gone any better
Paul C
I use the Legal Advisory services of Terry Gorry and have found this service to be very effective.
Terry always responds quickly to requests; gives his views in a clear and straightforward manner and then sends on the documentation that supports his legal argument.
I have no hesitation in recommending Terry as an effective legal support agent in the area of Employment Law.
Helen Hourican MSc HR
I left things ’till it was too late and just wished I meet Terry earlier: I would not have had a big settlement with an employee!
Now I’m 100% compliant with Employment Rights and fear nothing!
Stephen L
I engaged the services of Mr. Terry Gorry in relation to a conflict regarding my contract of employment.
I found Mr. Gorry to be courteous, knowledgeable and most efficient in handling my case. He was very reassuring, which relieved my anxieties, and his services were thoroughly professional throughout. I have no hesitation in recommending him to any prospective client.
H Nugent
I have to say Terry, I was really impressed by your efficiency, professionalism and no-nonsense approach – so refreshing!
Thank you again
Dear Terry,
Than you very much for your help. I was successful in getting a more beneficial settlement for myself and my coworkers.
It is clear for us now, last time he was just tried to threaten me in to accepting his conditions. What is a shame. ?
But luckily based on your advice we can close this case forever now. (The papers also contains an assurement there no further legal actions will be taken against me or any of my coworkers)
Thank’s a million. I’m sure I will happily recommend you to others in the future.
Visit this page to read more testimonials.
Reduce stress, obtain peace of mind, and assert your employment rights
Look, let’s be honest: if you have a problem at work it can have a serious impact on your health and well being.
On your family, on relationships, on all aspects of your daily life.
The sick feeling in the pit of your stomach as you go into work every morning won’t be cured with medicines or pills.
Not when the fundamental problem is that you are being bullied or harassed or being treated unfairly.
I have helped many people in these difficult situations.
And ensured that the employee was given their entitlements.
Many times this has resulted in compensation for the employee.
Sometimes, however, it involves telling the employee that he or she has no case or claim, and what the employer is doing is lawful and reasonable.
If this is the case, I tell you.
Because I don’t believe in beating around the bush or giving you a load of bull when the best advice I can give you is:
“Look, you might be better off putting this issue behind you, because you are in danger of shooting yourself in the foot, for your lawful rights and entitlements are not being breached”.
One of the biggest benefits of knowing where you stand, and getting clarity, is the reduction of stress and increased peace of mind.
And the ability to just put a worrying and stressful situation behind you and get on with your life.
In the vast majority of cases or disputes, resolving the problem has even resulted in better health and a feeling of security for the employee.
Cowboy employers?
Don’t get me wrong-most employers are fine.
They are hard working, professional, and law abiding.
They recognise employees’ employment rights and give them what they are entitled to.
They want to do the right thing but just don’t understand what they are supposed to do. These employers are easy to work with.
When you point out what they are doing wrong they will fix it.
Regrettably, not all employers are like that.
Unfortunately, some are cowboys. They can be rough and ready and not too fussy about the niceties of employment law.
In fact, some of them think that employment law is a nuisance.
They blatantly ignore your rights as an employee.
And they will continue to act like cowboys if they are let get away with it.
If you don’t stand up to them.
Employees can be slow to stand up for themselves, though. The vast majority of employees just want to get on with their job without any hassle or disagreement.
Also, many people naturally avoid conflict. And they don’t want to be seen as someone who “causes trouble”.
“Anything for an easy life”.
This is understandable.
But, quite frankly, there are times when you do need to stand up for yourself.
Because if you don’t the situation is likely to just get worse.
The consequences of a serious problem at work not being tackled can be hard on your well being and health.
Not to mention your career prospects.
And you may end up just leaving your job to avoid the situation.
But this isn’t a solution.
Because the same thing can happen all over again in the new job.
Sometimes you just have to take a stand.
When you do, you can count on me to help you.
However, before doing anything you should get a professional opinion about your situation.
To find out whether you have a valid complaint/claim or not.
You don’t want to go off “half cock” bringing a claim or causing a ruckus if, ultimately, you can’t win.
Remember: you can win a battle and lost the war.
You don’t want this happening-you want a good idea of where you stand, and how to go about taking action.
Small solicitors’ practice
My solicitor’s practice is only a small one.
But this means your problem means a lot to me. You are not just another file like you might be in a big law firm.
And when you deal with my firm you deal with me.
You won’t be passed off to a trainee or apprentice or a legal executive or a solicitor who has no experience in employment law.
Consultation options
Please note there are 4 different options for the consultation:
- come to my office in Enfield, Co. Meath
- by telephone
- by email
- by Skype.
Limited number of slots each week
Please note I only do a limited number of these each week.

The Man to See™