Employment Law in Ireland-Useful Links and Resources

Employment and equality law is a complex area because of the impact of different strands of law on the employer/employee relationship including

  • contract law
  • the constitution
  • statute
  • common law
  • case law
  • EU directives and regulations.

The sites below are good sources of information in this area.

But you are strongly advised to consult a solicitor, regardless of whether you are an employer or employee.

You will find many suppliers in Ireland of template contracts, staff handbooks and other documentation.

And the price of these products from non professionals appears to be cheap.

But the costs involved in the long term in using copy and paste templates and taking advice from non professionals can far outweigh any short term savings. The cheapest service that you will obtain in the long run will be from a legal professional who understands the complexities of employment and equality law and who will have professional indemnity insurance.

The National Employment Rights Authority (NERA)

Terry Gorry & Co. Solicitors

Labour Relations Commission

The Courts Service

Health and Safety Authority

Department of Education and Skills

Data Protection Commissioner

Irish Statute Book

Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment

Equality Tribunal

Equality Authority

Labour Court