Tag: bullying

  • New Code of Practice on Workplace Bullying 2021-What You Should Know

    A new code of practice concerning the prevention and resolution of bullying at work has been made by way of a statutory instrument published on 5th January 2021. The Statutory Instrument is No. 674/2020 entitled-Industrial Relations Act 1990 (Code of Practice for Employers and Employees on the Prevention and Resolution of Bullying at Work) Order…

  • The bullying dilemma in Irish law

    There is a massive problem for the employee who feels she is being bullied in the workplace. Yes, there are remedies.  Yes, there are courses of action, including legal, open to any victim. But it is still a difficult situation. Let me explain. If you feel you are being bullied in the workplace you would…

  • What Melissa’s Story Can Teach Us About Bullying in the Workplace

    When Melissa¹ came to see me she was very upset and was anxious to pursue her employer if that was possible. Except she didn’t say ‘pursue her employer’. She wanted to teach him a costly lesson and ‘put manners on him’. She wanted to take him into a metaphorical darkened room and give him a…

  • The 2 Big Problems With Claiming for Bullying in the Workplace

    Are you being bullied at work? No, I mean really being bullied. As in repeated inappropriate behaviour which undermines your dignity as an employee. Let me explain. If I got a euro for every time an employee came to me and told me he/she was being bullied in work I would be a wealthy man.…

  • Bullying in the Workplace in Ireland-Supreme Court Raises the Bar to Successful Claims?

    Has the Supreme Court raised the bar to successful bullying claims with this decision delivered on 26th May, 2017? Are you being bullied at work? A lot of people complain to me about bullying. You would not believe the large number of queries I received from people about bullying, and allegations of being bullied in…