Tag: sick pay

  • The Sick Leave Act 2022-paid sick leave for employees signed into law

    Sick pay is now a statutory entitlement in Ireland on foot of the passing into law of the Sick Leave Act 2022. (The statutory commencement order has not yet been signed, however, so the legislation does not yet have practical effect). All employees, part time and full time, have an entitlement to paid sick leave.…

  • Sick Leave Bill 2022-the essentials

    The Sick Leave Bill 2022 has been published and has commenced its way through the legislative process. When this bill is enacted as a statute it will provide a statutory entitlement to paid sick leave in Ireland for the first time. The skinny  An employee with 13 weeks’ continuous service will have a statutory right…

  • New Paid Sick Leave Law in the Pipeline

    There is new legislation in the making which will provide for paid sick leave for all employees. The goal is to phase it in over the next four years leading to ten days’ sick leave by 2025. The right to paid sick leave will be enforceable, like other employment rights, through the Workplace Relations Commission…

  • Sick Leave and Illness Leave in Irish Employment Law-How to Avoid Needless Disputes with Your Employees

    Another bloody sick cert… Yes, it’s frustrating. You are an employer and you have had it up to the two eyeballs with these sick certs. You know he’s been seen drinking all over the parish at the weekend. And now he’s giving you this sick cert stating that he is suffering with back trouble. Sick…