Employees representing themselves at the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC)

Stunned and taken aback. They never thought it would be like this. A number of employees have been in touch with me recently. They had decided to bring their own employment claims to the WRC (Workplace Relations Commission) and to represent themselves. The first step they had to take appeared to be easy enough. All … Read more

Evidence in employment disputes-keeping notebooks, sending emails (the problem)

An employee will often come to me with an enthusiastic intention to bring an employment claim against their employer. They are going to get justice. Or compensation. Or prove a point based on a principle. Whatever. Regardless of the motivation we must then look at how to win the case, and what the prospects are. … Read more

Employee fired for failing to return to work due to Covid 19 concerns-not an unfair dismissal

Refusing to return to work, or serious concerns, about health and safety as a consequence of the Covid 19 pandemic are a common issue in 2021. I have heard from a good deal of employees over the last 12 to 18 months with a wide range of questions and issues about returning to work, the … Read more

Driver Fails to Show ‘Reasonable Cause’ for 11 Month Delay in Submitting WRC Complaints

This case involved a lorry driver who brought a number (6) of complaints against his former employer, a fuel company. The complaints included unfair dismissal, organisation of working time act breaches, payment of wages, and the minimum wage. The problem he faced, however, was whether he was out of time in submitting his claims or … Read more

Workplace harassment definition, sexual harassment definition and workplace bullying

Workplace harassment and sexual harassment definitions can be found in section 14A of the Employment Equality Acts 1998 to 2015. Section 14A of the Employment Equality Act 1998 Revised provides: Harassment and sexual harassment. 14A. — (1) For the purposes of this Act, where — ( a ) an employee (in this section referred to … Read more