The right to disconnect from work-new code of practice from WRC, 1st April 2021

The WRC’s new code of practice concerning the right to disconnect form work has been signed into law from 1st April 2021. This code of practice arises from an attempt to regularise the Covid 19 enforced working at home practices that have arisen since March 2020. The lines between work and home and rest have … Read more

The taxation of lump sum payments on redundancy or retirement

Are you getting a redundancy package? Or perhaps you are retiring? Most payments from employers to employees are taxable; but there is a special tax treatment for lump sum payments on a redundancy or retirement. Statutory redundancy payments are exempt from tax. Tax relief There is some tax relief for salary or wages in lieu … Read more

Court of Appeal overturns High Court decision in dismissal of employee on probation case

A recent High Court decision in an employment case involving an employee who was dismissed on probation appeared to be a ‘game changer’. It seemed to be a decision of profound, and alarming, significance. In a case-O’Donovan v Over-C Technology-the CFO (chief financial officer) was successful in his application to the High Court for an … Read more

Choosing the wrong complaint on the WRC complaint form-a fatal mistake

Thinking about submitting a claim to the Workplace Relations Commission? Take your time and get advice first if you are unsure of what you are doing. A recent decision from the WRC in a case involving a sales area manager and a construction company illustrates how important it is to complete the WRC correctly when … Read more

Remote working-will the National Remote Work Strategy be a game changer for the employee?

Would you like to work from home on a permanent basis? Or do you miss the workplace, your colleagues, the banter? Legislation is planned to give employees the right to request to work remotely. This arises from the National Remote Work Strategy which includes the introduction of a code of practice on the right to … Read more