Unfair redundancy? Your options and the factors to consider

Have you been unfairly made redundant? Perhaps you have a sneaking suspicion that it was not really a genuine redundancy situation and the employer simply took the opportunity presented by the Covid 19 pandemic to get rid of you. Or maybe the redundancy was genuine but you feel you were unfairly selected, that someone else … Read more

Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS) Replaces Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme (TWSS)

The Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme (TWSS) introduced by the government on 26th March 2020 is now coming to an end on 31st of August 2020. It will be replaced by the Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS) which will run until 31st March 2021. Under the EWSS employers will be able to seek wage subsidies for … Read more

No Exemption for the Irish Prison Service to Make Reasonable Accommodation for Prison Officer With Back Problems

The High Court recently issued an interesting decision about the employer’s obligation to make reasonable accommodation for an employee who is unable to carry out the full range of duties. The case is Robert Cunningham and Irish Prison Service and The Labour Court [2020] IEHC 282. Background Robert Cunningham is a prison officer and had … Read more

Tax Treatment of Termination of Employment Payments

Certain payments made to you on the termination of your employment may be exempt from tax. Let’s say you have been made redundant and you are being offered a termination/severance package and agreement. This type of agreement will typically include 4 types of payment: Statutory redundancy payments   Ex gratia severance payments from an employer Notice … Read more

Calculating Hours Worked for Banded Hours Contracts-Is Annual Leave to Be Counted?

This case, between a ground staff member and an airline, turned on the question of how you are expected to calculate the hours worked for the purposes of awarding an employee a banded hours contract. The employee had been placed on a banded hours contract pursuant to the Employment (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2018. Section 16 … Read more