Employment termination agreements-how effective are they?

The use of a settlement or compromise agreement in the termination of an employee’s employment is something I deal with frequently. There is a wide range of reasons why the employment is being ceased, ranging from redundancy to difficulties in the employment relationship to allegations of misconduct to allegations of bullying, discrimination, harassment, and so … Read more

The Return to Work Safely (COVID-19) Protocol-What You Need to Know

The Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation have published an important document-the Return to Work Safely Protocol-to help employers and employees return to work safely after the Covid-19 lockdown. The Return to Work Safely Protocol sets out the steps that businesses must take before reopening, and once the workplace is opened for resumption of normal … Read more

Shop Assistant Awarded 2 Years’ Salary for Discriminatory Dismissal

When Jimmy came to see me after he was dismissed from his job I advised him against bringing a claim for unfair dismissal. And that decision has now paid off handsomely. Because Jimmy has now been awarded 2 years’ salary for the claim arising from his dismissal-a discrimination claim under the Employment Equality Act 1998, … Read more

High Court Dismisses Constitutional Challenge to the Workplace Relations Act 2015, WRC Adjudication System and Labour Court

The validity and constitutionality of the Workplace Relations Commission and Labour Court had been challenged in the High Court by way of a Judicial Review. The High Court has now issued its decision. The case is Thomas Zalewski and The Workplace Relations Commission, Ireland and the Attorney General, and an Adjudication Officer (Rosaleen Glackin). The … Read more

Whistleblower’s Appeal of Labour Court to the High Court on 10 Points of Law Dismissed

A Higher Education Officer in the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection has had his appeal to the High Court on ten points of law against the Labour Court dismissed. The background to the case is that the employee was the subject of a disciplinary procedure due to alleged misconduct in the workplace. The … Read more