Force Majeure Clauses in the Employment Contract and the Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Does force majeure leave offer any relief to employees in the current Covid-19 crisis?  Or does it create even more problems for employers who are already concerned about the many implications arising from the spread of the virus in Ireland? Force majeure is defined as a “superior force” and is afforded statutory recognition in Irish … Read more

Why “How long does the consultation last?” is the wrong question

“How long is the consultation?” is a question I often hear being asked of whoever answers the phone in my office in Enfield. But it is a meaningless, irrelevant question. Let me explain why by reference to two stories. New York apartment block The first one is about a sparkling, new New York apartment being … Read more

Data Access Request Uncovers “Smoking Gun” Evidence to Win €50,000 Constructive Dismissal Case

This employee was awarded €50,000 in a constructive dismissal claim and what won the case for her was the emails she discovered between certain of her employer’s management. There are a number of unusual and noteworthy features in this case. Firstly, it is worth remembering that winning a constructive dismissal claim is extremely difficult because … Read more