The Payment of Wages in Irish Employment Law | The Payment of Wages Act, 1991 in Plain English

Disputes about the payment of wages are commonplace. Most of them are about non payment, late payment, or deductions from wages. This piece will look at these issues and what redress is available to the employee. The payment of wages in the employment contract is governed by the Payment of Wages Act, 1991 and this piece of legislation stipulates … Read more

TUPE,The Transfer of Undertakings Directive and Regulations-The Essentials for Irish Employers and Employees

Let’s be honest. TUPE is one of the most complex areas of employment law you’ll come across. TUPE or the Transfer of Undertakings Directive of 1977, which became part of Irish law by the European Communities (Safeguarding of Employees’ Rights on Transfer of Undertakings) Regulations, 1980, protects the rights of employees where the business in … Read more

7 Simple Steps For Employers to Avoid Costly Employment Law Claims from Employees

It’s an easy mistake to make. If you are an employer you are in danger of leaving yourself wide open to expensive claims by your employees if you fail to follow some basic but essential steps in your employment relationship with your employees. In addition to settling successful claims brought by employees you also run … Read more

NERA-The National Employment Rights Authority: a Checklist for Employers

Let’s admit it. A letter from NERA can send a shiver down the spine of most employers. NERA (National Employment Rights Authority) is the statutory body appointed to ensure employers compliance with employment legislation in Ireland. It carries out regular inspections to fulfill it’s obligations and ensure compliance by employers. NERA also has the statutory power to prosecute … Read more

8 Key Questions for an Acceptable Usage Policy for Employees’ Use of the Internet and Email at Work

It’s an easy thing to overlook, you know. But it could prove very costly if you are an employer. And it’s a problem that can only grow if you do not grasp the nettle now. Having an acceptable usage policy in respect of your employees’ use of the internet and email at work is becoming … Read more