Budget 2013-Employment Law Changes to Note

If you are an employer in Ireland the main changes from the budget presented in the Dail in December, 2012 are summarized below. 1. Maternity Benefit Change From January 1, 2013 maternity benefit will be taxable income (although it will be exempt from the USC (universal social charge)). This is quite a unique change as … Read more

Sick Leave and Illness Leave in Irish Employment Law-How to Avoid Needless Disputes with Your Employees

Another bloody sick cert… Yes, it’s frustrating. You are an employer and you have had it up to the two eyeballs with these sick certs. You know he’s been seen drinking all over the parish at the weekend. And now he’s giving you this sick cert stating that he is suffering with back trouble. Sick … Read more

Dignity at Work Policies in Ireland-Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Bullying

Are you being bullied at work? Or harassed? Bullying and harassment are the acts of cowards. But can be appallingly damaging if you are a victim. And if you are an employer in whose workplace this is allowed to happen. Bullying, harassment, and sexual harassment claims by employees against employers can be incredibly costly affairs. … Read more

Employment Rights Infringed in Ireland? Where Should You Go?

Yes, it’s confusing. Where to go if your employment rights have been infringed? Well, there is good news due to the new Workplace Relations Bill, 2014. UPDATE 2015 And there were big changes introduced on 1st October 2015. Read about the Workplace Relations Commission and the procedure for pursuing employment and equality claims now. Prior … Read more

The Employment Contract in Irish Employment Law-The Facts You Should Know

It’s true, you know. The foundation stone of the employer/employee relationship is the employment contract. So, it’s critical from day one, and becomes even more important if there is a dispute. It is vital that it is drafted correctly, especially from the employer’s viewpoint. Before we go any further, though, you need to know one … Read more