The Irish Naval Service Did Not Discriminate by Setting an Age Limit of 27 Years

This case involved a 47 year old man who applied to the Irish Naval Service for a role as a Radio and Radar Technician. The Irish Naval Service had set an age limit of 27 years for this position and did not accept his application. The applicant brought a claim to the WRC (Workplace Relations … Read more

Have You Heard About the Informality of a WRC or Labour Court Hearing? Do Not Make This Mistake

Have you submitted an employment claim to the WRC (Workplace Relations Commission) or Labour Court? Do not be fooled, as many have, by the ease with which you can submit a claim using the online complaint form, and the promise of an informal procedure. You will probably have read or heard that it is an … Read more

Workplace investigation/disciplinary procedure statements-can you sue for defamation?

“I want to sue him/her for defamation.” I hear this request frequently when employees who are the subject of allegations in the workplace come to me for advice. They are incensed that a complaint or allegation has been made against them. How would you feel if a colleague accuses you of bullying or harassment or … Read more

How to prepare a submission for the WRC (Workplace Relations Commission) or the Labour Court

Pursuing your own case at the WRC or Labour Court? If you are bringing your own employment claims to the WRC or Labour Court you will need to prepare a submission in advance. The purpose of this submission will be to set out your case and persuade the adjudicator or Labour Court to find in … Read more

Bringing your own employment claim and representing yourself at the WRC or Labour Court

Are you thinking about bringing a claim to the Workplace Relations Commission and representing yourself? Are you concerned about the cost of getting professional representation-for example, from a solicitor or a HR practitioner? Yes, it is possible to bring your own employment claims to the WRC or Labour Court. And it is easy to do. … Read more