Are your protected disclosures merely grievances?

The High Court has recently dealt with two cases concerning the Protected Disclosures Act 2014. This is the legislation that was enacted in Ireland to give protection to so called whistle-blowers. It is relatively new legislation and the boundaries of the act have not been fully explored or clarified yet. For this reason, it is … Read more

Don’t make the mistake of falling in love with your grievance

I meet a large number of employees on a daily and weekly basis. The vast majority of them have something bothering them in connection with their job or workplace.  A small number are simply seeking clarification about an aspect of employment law or their contract of employment or something related. But most of them have … Read more

Employer ordered to continue pay and benefits to dismissed employee

John Clarke was dismissed from his job in May 2019 but his employer was ordered by the Circuit Court to maintain his pay and benefits until the outcome of his WRC case. (That case has still not been determined as I write this in September 2020). Mr Clarke had sought the protection of the Protected … Read more