3 frequent mistakes employees make regarding their rights in the workplace

Are you an employee? Have you a problem or issue regarding your employment? I receive a large number of queries from employees every day of every week and I notice the same sort of mistake being repeatedly made from employees at all levels of an organisation. These mistakes are understandable, but avoidable, and in this … Read more

Working from Home-Employment Law Issues to Consider

Working from home as a consequence of the Covid 19 pandemic has led to unanticipated areas of concern from an employment law perspective. The two principal areas giving rise to concern are to do with: Health and safety Data privacy/GDPR The two statutory bodies in Ireland with responsibility for health and safety and data protection-the … Read more

The Use of CCTV in Disciplinary Hearings in the Workplace-Interesting High Court Decision (February 2020)

The conflict of rights in the workplace between employer and employee concerning the use of cctv in the workplace, and its use in disciplinary processes, was dealt with by the High Court in February 2020. The case was Doolin v The Data Protection Commissioner [2020] IEHC 90 and it was an appeal from the Circuit … Read more

Employment Termination Agreements-the 1 Big Decision for the Employee

Employment termination agreement, severance agreement, compromise agreement, waiver agreement, settlement agreement. It has many names but it amounts to the same thing. The employment is being terminated and the employee is being asked to sign some type of agreement and enter into another contract with the employer. I see a lot of these agreements on … Read more

Have you a genuine employment case or merely a grievance? Answer these 4 questions

“Where do I stand?” “Have I a case?” Is it me or is it the employer? These are the sort of comments and questions I hear from employees on a daily basis. Invariably there is an issue in the workplace, or there has been some friction, or the employee feels undervalued and underappreciated, or has … Read more