Parallel Proceedings-WRC Decides Both Maternity Protection Act and Employment Equality Act Claims Can Be Pursued

This case involved a woman who worked as a HR manager returning to work after her maternity leave and discovering she was not, according to her, returning to the same job she had left. She brought claims under the Maternity Protection Act 1994 and the Employment Equality Act 1998. Preliminary issue The employer’s legal team … Read more

GDPR, Subject Access Requests, and Coronavirus/COVID-19

How does COVID-19 impact on your GDPR rights and obligations? The Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic has caused problems in all areas of life, including the difficulties posed regarding responding to data subject requests. The Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) has issued guidelines, whilst pointing out that the timelines for responding to requests has not changed. Advice for … Read more

The Emergency Measures in the Public Interest (COVID-19) Act 2020-Important Employment Law Changes

The Emergency Measures in the Public Interest (COVID-19) Act 2020 came into effect this week. The act contains some remarkable provisions in the public interest to help fight the effects of the coronavirus. Let’s take a look at at some key aspects of the Emergency Measures in the Public Interest (COVID-19) Act 2020 as the … Read more

Disciplinary Record and Attitude Cannot Be Used in an Objective Selection for Redundancy

This case involved a man who brought a claim for unfair dismissal arising from his redundancy. His claim was founded on his contention that he was unfairly selected for redundancy and subjective criteria, which are personal to the employee, should not have been considered. Background The employer in this case was funded by a Government … Read more