The Towering Fear of Losing Your Employment Case-Don’t Make This Mistake

Michael carried his workplace grievances around with him like a man dragging a clanking chain. It all started about 12 months ago when his employment was terminated unexpectedly. Michael was shocked and firmly believed he was unfairly dismissed.  So he submitted a claim to the Workplace Relations Commission under the Unfair Dismissals Act 1977.  Michael … Read more

Lay-off and Short Time and Coronavirus-the Essentials

“Lay-off” and “short time” are phrases that are being bandied about now because of COVID-19. Do you know what they actually mean from an employment law perspective? “Lay-off” is defined in the Redundancy Payments Acts 1967-2014 and happens when the employer is temporarily unable to provide work for the employee. “Short time” describes the situation … Read more