Unfair Dismissals and Constructive Dismissal In Ireland-The Facts You Should Know

It’s an easy mistake to make. If you’re an employer, unfairly dismissing an employee is, regrettably, commonplace. Did you know that the top category of employment related claims in Ireland is for unfair dismissal? What’s considered to be unfair is very broad-and if you consider illness related dismissals, and failing to ensure fair procedures, it’s … Read more

Redundancy in Ireland-What Employers and Employees Ought to Know About Non Collective Redundancies

Let’s admit it. Redundancy is not a pleasant topic to discuss. But not discussing it, and not understanding your obligations if you are an employer, or entitlements as an employee can prove very costly. Therefore,  this piece about redundancy in Ireland will look at: what is a redundancy, redundancy payments, where to access a redundancy … Read more