New Employment Regulation Orders (ERO) in the Contract Cleaning and Security Industries-the Essentials

Are you in the contract cleaning or security industries? Good news if you are an employee: from October 1st, 2015 new Employment Regulation Orders (ERO) were signed into law. Previously, in 2011, the JLC (Joint Labour Committee) system of setting pay and conditions was struck down by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional. Contract Cleaning Workers … Read more

Employment Regulation Orders and Registered Employment Agreements-What You Need to Know in Plain English

Employment regulation orders (ERO) were held to be invalid by the High Court in 2011. Registered employment agreements (REA) were struck down by the Supreme Court in 2013. What are the implications of these decisions? What has the government done? What do they mean for employers and employees? Let’s take a look. Registered employment agreements … Read more

Trade Unions | Trade Disputes | Industrial Relations Law-What Irish Employers Should Know

What follows is a general overview of industrial relations and trade dispute law in Ireland. It looks at issues like overview of industrial relations law, trade disputes, how employers deal with trade unions and how all these issues interact with employment/contract law/civil law in Ireland. Irish Employment Law Irish employment law is still based on … Read more