Fixed Term Contracts-The Facts You Should Know

Fixed term employees are employed on the same type of contract-either a fixed term contract or a specified purpose contract. A fixed term contract is one where the end date of the contract is known at the outset whereas a specified purpose contract is one which terminates on the occurrence of a specific event or cessation of a … Read more

Staff Handbooks-What Employers Should Know

“Good fences make good neighbours”. This old saw is true because it reminds us that good boundaries and clarity between two parties leave less room for dispute or rows. And so it is with the employer/employee relationship-the more clarity and less ambiguity, the less likely there will be costly disputes/claims. Make no mistake: the most … Read more

Work Practice or Contractual Entitlement? The Facts You Should Know

The question of what is a “work practice” and what is a contractual term of the employment contract is an important one, for both employees and employers alike. Because the employer can change a work practice unilaterally. For example changing a break from 10 am to 11 am. But a contractual entitlement or term cannot … Read more

How to Draft an Employment Contract-Express Terms That Should Be Included in a Contract of Employment

The employment contract in Irish law is made up of implied terms and express terms. There is nothing you can do about the implied terms. That’s why great care should be taken about the express terms in the contract, and why corners should not be cut when you as an employer are putting contracts in … Read more

Teachers and Fixed Term Contracts-the Essentials

Fixed term contracts are very common in the teaching profession in Ireland. This is due to a number of factors including • The DES (Department of Education and Skills) sanctioning temporary teaching posts for a school year, rather than approving permanent posts or contracts of longer duration • Teachers taking leave from the school on … Read more