Review of WRC cases, January-December 2020

The Workplace Relations Commission have published a review of 1,401 cases which reached adjudication stage from January to December 2020.

Read the full review here.

Some headline points which are worth noting include

  • party representation
  • breakdown of complaints
  • awards made

There was 1,401 cases involving 3,059 specific complaints. Most complaints were made under the Organisation of Working Time Act 1997 with 577 complaints.

Next was the Unfair Dismissals Act 1977 with 454 and then the Industrial Relations Act 1969 with 354 trade disputes going to hearing.

As for representation, 47% had third party representation whilst 45% represented themselves. Of the 45% who self represented 57% were complainants and 43% were respondents.

As for awards, the average award was €5,117.42. The lowest award was a little over €19 and the highest was €117,814 under the Employment Equality Act.

If you are interested in employment law, HR and the workings of the Workplace Relations Commission this report is worth your time reading.

Other interesting findings:

  • The success rate in the 3,059 complaints was 40.44%
  • The average award was €5,117.42
  • The average award under the Employment Equality Act 1998 was €19,753.57
  • The average award under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 was €16,220.11
  • Under the Unfair Dismissals Act 1977 was €11,472.96

Read the full review here.